Science Communication course report

26 PhD students, among them 8 from CHESS, gathered at the Geophysical Institute of the University of Bergen for a 3-day Science Communication course. The course was organized the first time by the Norwegian Research School network. This network consists of 7 national research schools in Norway including CHESS and spans across a few scientific disciplines. This course gave an unique chance for the participants to extend their network outside of their own disciplines and it proved to be very valuable for them.

During the course, the students learned how to communicate research to different target groups, how to use voice and body language to convey messages in oral presentations, how to use different visualization techniques and methods to make complex research data into clear and simple illustration, and how to give feedbacks. Each day was filled with inspiring lectures, practical exercises, group discussion and workshops. The last day was the highlight as each participants gave a 5-minute presentation and received feedback from the fellow students and lecturers. It was a very practical and useful experience for each of the participants. After the course on the last day, all participants including lecturers had a great time with pizzas and drinks.


text: Mandy Kong



Read the program details here.