SciSnack (previously ClimateSnack) is an international and inter-disciplinary community sponsored by CHESS where early career scientists interact in order to improve their writing and communication skills. Over 7 years, SciSnack has published over 160 snacks (blog posts) posted by 90 authors from 12 different writing groups. At the moment, there is one active group situated at the Bjerknes Centre of Climate Research in Bergen, but there are also plans on establishing new groups at UiO, UiT and UNIS. SciSnack hopes to reach more CHESS students and will provide a session about scientific writing at CHESS’ annual meeting in March 2019. Hopefully, this will inspire CHESS students that want to become a part of or establish a writing group at the respective CHESS institutions.
SciSnack was founded by Mathew Stiller-Reeve, and the leadership has now been taken over by a new generation of SciSnackers consisting of four CHESS members including Andrew Seidl, Mathilda Hallerstig, Kristine Flacké Haualand, and Anne-Katrine Faber. Please contact someone in the leader group if you want to join or create a writing group or have ideas for the way forward.

The old and new generation. From left: Anne-Katrine Faber, Matilda Hallerstig, Mathew Stiller-Reeve (the outgoing leader), Andrew Seidl, and Kristine Flacké Haualand.