We are very glad to announce that NFR approved an application to extend the research school CHESS until the end of September 2024, instead of end October 2023!
We moved a part of the remaining budget to 2024 to offer a selection of prioritized core courses in both 2023 and 2024. Most importantly, we can have the CHESS annual meeting – an excellent networking opportunity for CHESS members – for one more year. If it is feasible budget wise, we can also support 2 to 3 proposals from the Call for CHESS Activities.
To leave a lasting legacy of CHESS, it is envisioned that the CHESS community will be integrated into the Norwegian Geoscience Union (Norsk Geofysisk Forening, NGF). This legacy plan will be further implemented in the coming two years, ensuring a gradual and coordinated transition of the CHESS community into the NGF community. A successful integration is envisioned to transform the Norwegian geoscience community in the years to come, providing a unique platform for interactions as well as better coordination among the Norwegian institutions.