When: 9-13 December 2024
Where: Wallemtunet, Kvamskogen
Credit: 2 ECTS
Workshop organiser: Thomas Spengler, UiB & leader of the Norwegian Geophysical Society
Maximum number of participants: 20
Registration deadline: 10 November 2024
The winter school is co-organised by CHESS and the Norwegian Geophysical Society. Participation is free for CHESS members.
Topic: The school will focus on water in all its phases (vapour, liquid, solid) in all spheres of the climate system (atmosphere, cyrosphere, hydrosphere and ocean, litosphere). Specific topics will revolve around the role of the water cycle and its paths through the different phases and spheres. For example, the hydrological cycle dominated by evaporation, precipitation, and runoff, as well as the water cycle on longer timescales involving the formation and melting of sea ice and ice shelves and their interactions with the ocean and climate. The winter school will focus on both theoretical understanding, modelling and observations, as well as practical exercises, where particular focus will be on the usage of Earth System models.
Confirmed lecturers:
Thomas Spengler (Atmospheric circulation), UiB
Harald Sodemann (Atmospheric water cycle), UiB
Andreas Klocker (Ocean modelling), NORCE
Lu Li (Hydrological modelling), NORCE
Guillaume Boutin (Sea ice modelling), NERSC
Nele Meckler (Paleoclimate/paleo precipitation), UiB
Elin Darelius (Ocean circulation and ice sheet interactions), UiB
Ugo Nanni (seismology for detecting hydrosphere), UiO
Dave Chandler (Ice sheet modelling), NORCE
Mareile Wolff (Precipitation processes/measurements), NMBU
Tim Carlsen (cloud physics), UiO