CHESS leaves the stage with the successful conclusion of the H2O winter school. This school was the last activity of the research school CHESS before its conclusion by the end of the year. The school also marked the transition of…
When: 9-13 December 2024 Where: Wallemtunet, Kvamskogen Credit: 2 ECTS Workshop organiser: Thomas Spengler, UiB & leader of the Norwegian Geophysical Society Maximum number of participants: 20 Registration deadline: 10 November 2024 The winter school is co-organised by CHESS and the…
This, the 13th annual Science Writing Workshop, was tinged with melancholy, it being the final under the aegis of that brilliant accomplishment called CHESS. Thirteen writers participated. With the assistance of generous faculty attendees, we rigorously discussed each writer’s submitted…
The last annual meeting of the CHESS research school successfully gathered over 70 invited guests, members, and alumni to celebrate the achievements of the school and to signify its closure. After the opening, the director, Thomas Spengler, delivered a retrospective…
The 7th edition of the international course “Data Analysis and Model Evaluation Tools in Environmental and Climate Science”, or in short the eScience course, was back in action 6-16 May 2024 at the Kristineberg Marine Research Station in Sweden. This…
The CHESS workshop “From idea to project: Writing successful project proposals” was held on 9. – 10. April 2024. A total of 16 participants joined the workshop, coming from the universities of Bergen and Tromsø, and NORCE Climate and Environment.…
Posters, graphical abstracts, and conceptual figures – these visual representations are the basis for our scientific communication. From the 20th – 22nd of February, a group of 13 PhD students delved into the world of designing science illustrations at the…
We are delighted to announce that the registration for both the final CHESS Annual Meeting and the first General Assembly of the Norwegian Geophysical Society (Norsk Geofysisk Forening, NGF) has started. All CHESS members and…
The first circular of the NGF conference is published. Here are the important dates: When: 19-21 June 2024 Where: University of Bergen Call for abstracts and registration opens: January 15, 2024 Abstract submission deadline: March 22, 2024 Abstract acceptance: April…
The INES consortium and CHESS arranged a NorESM user workshop over four half-day sessions, from Nov. 20 to Nov. 28, with participants joining through a hybrid on-site/on-line format through zoom with hubs in Bergen, Oslo and Tromsø. The program included…