Author: Mandy Kong

Save the dates for CHESS/NGF conference 2024!

The final meeting of CHESS and the first national conference of the Norwegian Geophysical Society (Norsk Geofysisk Forening, NGF) will be held from 18-21 June 2024 in Bergen at the Aula and the new Learning Arena of the University of…

CHESS/NGF Annual Meeting was successfully concluded!

The integrated CHESS and NGF (Norwegian Geophysical Society) meeting from 25th to 28th September at Vikersund was successfully concluded! It was well attended by a total of 54 participants with 29 talks and 14 poster presentations. Apart from participating in…

Report on the CHESS Writing Workshop 2023

It was again my pleasure to conduct the eleventh iteration of the annual Science Writing Workshop. With the assistance of generous volunteer faculty scientists, we read and discussed each of the twelve participants’ abstracts, introductions, and concluding matter. We devoted…

CHESS/NGF Annual Meeting 2023

All CHESS PhDs, supervisors, and members of our international evaluation board are warmly invited to the CHESS and NGF Annual Meeting, 25-28 September 2023, at the Tyrifjord hotel in Vikersund, near Oslo. All are welcome to attend this great networking…

Save the dates for CHESS/NGF AM 2023!

The CHESS Annual Meeting (CHESS AM) 2023 will be held from 25-27 September 2023, starting and ending at lunch, at the Tyrifjord Hotel in Vikersund. All members and our international evaluation committee members will be invited to attend this great networking and…