Call for CHESS activities 2019

9 out of 10 proposals we received for CHESS activities during 2019 were successful. One of the proposals was initiated by some PhD candidates themselves, as there is no such course in the regular graduate programme. The table below lists the 9 successful proposals and they will be carried out within 2020.

Name of proposal

Amount granted (NOK)

Summer School on Predictability of Marine Ecosystems 130 000
Crash course on Data Assimilation   60 000
Fundamentals of Ocean/Atmosphere Data Analysis 100 000
Climate modelling 120 000
Training course on the theory, analytics and interpretation of stable water and carbon isotopes in the coupled Earth System  50 000
Dynamical modeling with Python  65 000
Summer School “Glaciers and climate: new inter-disciplinary perspectives to constrain change – past, present and future” 140 000
An introduction to FAIR data management for geoscientists    10 000
eScience tools in climate science: linking observations with modelling 66 000
Total 741 000