Science writing workshop with Dallas Murphy

It was again my pleasure to conduct, with Dr. Thomas Spengler, the annual CHESS Advanced Writing Course 25-29 June 2018.  This year we had fourteen enrollees, a range of nationalities and scientific disciplines.  We successfully confronted the near universal writing…

Crash Course on Data Assimilation

The second Crash Course on Data Assimilation has been held at NERSC, Bergen from the 22nd to the 25th of May 2018. It was co-organized with Iris, CHESS and the COST action EOS (Evaluation of Ocean Syntheses) and gathered 35…

Arctic Glacier Field Course on Disko Island

  Before Easter 15 phd-students from 10 different nationalities participated in an Arctic field course organized by the CHESS research school. The course was held at the Danish arctic research station on Disko Island, located on the west coast of…