Report on Scientific Writing Course with Daniel Soule

19 doctoral students gathered at the University of Bergen’s Geophysical Institute for an interactive three-day (23-25 October) scientific writing workshop with Dr. Daniel Soule. The course took a holistic approach to research writing, considering not only the demands of scientific style, structure and editing,…

Land Surface Modeling course report

The CHESS Land Surface Modeling course was held 2-6 October in Bergen. Total of 11 students mostly from Bergen and Oslo and 9 guest lecturers joined the course. The main objective of the course was to educate and train theories…

ACDC Summer School in Rondane

  During the period 10-22. September 25 students and 10 lecturers travelled to Rondvassbu in Norway to join this years Advanced Climate Dynamics Courses (ACDC). The purpose of the summer school was to explore the role of the seasonal cycle…